Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Don't Zero Out

Dear Parents:

We have been practicing our three digit subtraction with borrowing.  Today we learned a fun game to help us practice this skill.  1.  Start with the number 999 on a piece of paper.  2.  Roll two dice.  3.  Subtract one of the two digit numbers your die make from the total.  4.  Keep a running total each time subtracting your two digit number from your new number.  5.  Slowly whittle down your total to come as close to zero as you can without going negative.  The winner is the person who comes closest to zero without going past it.  (Each time you subtract, your partner must check your work!)

This is a great family game to play to practice subtraction facts with your child!

FYI:  *Multiplication starts next week!*

Amanda Gustafson