Monday, January 27, 2014

NLSW dress days clarifications edict

Dear Parents:  Clarity on Spirit week attire


1.       Crazy hair means just that – crazy hair.  Crazy hair does not mean crazy faces, hands, feet, or any other body part, nor does it apply to clothes! 

2.       Monochromatic applies ONLY to clothes.  You do not wear a hat, paint your face or hair, or any other body part.  You wear clothes that are the same color!  That’s it!

3.       Hat day – it means you get to wear a hat.  It does not mean “wear whatever else you want on the rest of your body,” it means come to school in standard of dress plus a hat.  Though it should be implied, this also does not mean painting, tattooing or marking your face, hands, feed, or any other body part. 

4.       Sports day – This applies also to clothing.  Wear jerseys or sports clothes for your favorite team.  BL sports are also fine.  Do not wear something that is not clothes (ie. swimsuit) or something that does not allow you to do what you need to do for a school day (ie. all your football pads).  Do not paint, tattoo, make-up, spray, or do anything not normal to your face, hands, feet, or any other body part.