Thursday, January 30, 2014

Parent Survey Clarification

A forward from Michele Jameson:


Good afternoon,


We have been getting reports that families are not able to access the parent survey from the News Slice on the web site.  That is indeed true!  It is not working properly.  Please access the report from the link that is on the opening page of our web site ( or use the link below:


We are sorry for any confusion and inconvenience.  Please call the office at 582-5624 if you have any questions.  Thank you!

Monday, January 27, 2014

NLSW dress days clarifications edict

Dear Parents:  Clarity on Spirit week attire


1.       Crazy hair means just that – crazy hair.  Crazy hair does not mean crazy faces, hands, feet, or any other body part, nor does it apply to clothes! 

2.       Monochromatic applies ONLY to clothes.  You do not wear a hat, paint your face or hair, or any other body part.  You wear clothes that are the same color!  That’s it!

3.       Hat day – it means you get to wear a hat.  It does not mean “wear whatever else you want on the rest of your body,” it means come to school in standard of dress plus a hat.  Though it should be implied, this also does not mean painting, tattooing or marking your face, hands, feed, or any other body part. 

4.       Sports day – This applies also to clothing.  Wear jerseys or sports clothes for your favorite team.  BL sports are also fine.  Do not wear something that is not clothes (ie. swimsuit) or something that does not allow you to do what you need to do for a school day (ie. all your football pads).  Do not paint, tattoo, make-up, spray, or do anything not normal to your face, hands, feet, or any other body part. 



Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Spirit Wear and Sweet Shoppe



A couple reminders for this week -


The BLS Spirit Wear orders are due today in the school office.  Order forms are available outside the office or it was included on the last News Slice (on our web site), as well.  Please note that we were just informed that there will be a slight difference with the socks.  They will be white with navy details rather than navy with white details.


The 8th grade Short Day Sweet Shoppe will be open this Friday, January 24, at the early release time (11:15am).  Please bring spare change to school on Friday and buy a treat after Indoor Olympics!  All proceeds will help the 8th graders travel to Washington, D.C.


If you have any questions, please call the office at 582-5624.  Have a wonderful day!


Friday, January 17, 2014


For chapel on Wednesday, third grade will be performing a skit titled, To Be Kind, or Not To Be Kind.  We have read and practiced the story several times this week, and today we practiced being king to our classmates with a team writing activity retelling the story.  The giggles and teamwork are good for a teacher's soul.

Amanda Gustafson

Thursday, January 16, 2014

National Lutheran Schools Week Info

Dear Parents:  National Lutheran Schools week will be here soon!  Here is a run-down of the festive and fun spirit days and family events coming up.


NLSW January 26-31


·         Sunday, January 26….All BLS students are invited to attend the 8:00 a.m. service at BLC.   BLS students will sing, “Shine Jesus, Shine”.  There will also be performances by some of our middle schoolers who will be heading to LEST in a few weeks.

·         All week…the Book Fair will be in the library.

·         Monday, January 27…Hawaiian Day:  dress like you just came from the beach, but remember to be modest!

·         Tuesday, January 28…Crazy Hair Day:  color it, spike it, spray it…

·         Wednesday, January 29…Monochromatic Day:  dress all in one color or shade.

·         Thursday, January 30…Hat Day:  wear a cool or crazy hat.  Science Night/Open House 6:00-7:30 p.m.  in the gym for the first hour, teachers will be in our  classrooms to answer questions for last half hour.

·         Friday, January 31…Sports Day:  wear sports clothing from your favorite team.