Thursday, March 27, 2014


Mr. S came to visit today and brought all of his Native American realia.  It was an AWESOME day in third grade!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Water on Wheels

We were visited by an Americorps volunteer today who taught us about the water cycle and conservation of water.  The kids loved it!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Friday Reminders

A forward from Mrs. Jameson.  If your child is in need of an "adopted" grandparent, please let me know ASAP. There are several church volunteers who are willing to act as grandparents for the day.


This Friday, March 7, is Grandparent's Day!  We are looking forward to having many special guests on campus and we have a lot of fun activities planned!  The following are some reminders for this week:


  • Thursday, March 6, is an all-school free dress day.
  • Students will be dismissed at 11:15am on Friday.
  • The 8th grade Short Day Sweet Shoppe will be open on Friday when the students are dismissed!  Be sure and bring spare change so you can buy a treat and help the 8th graders go to Washington, D.C.

If you have any questions, please call the school office at 582-5624.