Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Battle Row

As part of Boot camp today, the children played a partner strategy game called Battle Row.  The object of the game was to use their multiplication facts to capture 4 combat vehicles in a row on their game boards.  I love to see them working together and having fun while learning their facts!

Amanda Gustafson

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fitness facts

Multiplication boot camp amped up today with the introduction of a partner game called Fitness Facts.  After answering multiplication questions, the children and their partner completed fitness challenges. It was a good way to burn off the pent-up energy after Christmas program practice AND practice our multiplication facts!  Apparently, the kids don't realize you're not supposed to giggle in boot camp!

Amanda Gustafson

Monday, December 16, 2013

Crazy week!

Dear Parents:

It's Monday morning and do you see all of the arrows already drawn through my plans!?  It's looking to be a crazy, but blessed week as we prepare for our Christmas program.   I am hugging my extra-large second cup of coffee this morning, and cherishing the quiet before we forge into the week!

 The Christmas program will be this Thursday, December 19 at 2:00pm and at 7:00pm.  Your child must wear a white turtleneck and khaki pants.  You are invited to attend either performance. The children have worked VERY hard learning all of the words to the songs.  You will be so proud!

Amanda Gustafson

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Advent!

We're awaiting the birth of our Lord with readings of His birth in Christian Studies (Matthew 1: 18-25) and by making "stained glass" advent wreaths with oil pastels.  

Amanda Gustafson

Monday, December 2, 2013

Desk switch

It's good to be back!  Today, we switched desks and thus, teammates.  We had a great time making team posters and learning to work with our new teammates.  

Amanda Gustafson

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Harvest Day

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After nurturing, observing, and praying for our little plants for the past 40 days, today we saw the end of their life by harvesting and counting the seeds they produced.  The life cycle can begin anew!  I tried hard not to crack up as this little girl said seriously, "Oh little seed, your mother was such a nice plant."

Amanda Gustafson

Friday, November 15, 2013

Scholastic Book Order

Dear Parents:
I'll be submitting November's Scholastic book order on Friday, November 22.  Remember, every order a parent places earns our class free books.  We have lots of things on our wish list this month!  If you would like to order for Christmas and would like to keep it a secret, just send me an e-mail when you order letting me know, and I'll put your books aside until you can come in and pick them up.  If you are interested in ordering, you'll be taken directly to our class book page by following the Scholastic book order link on the sidebar of this page.  Thank you for supporting us and our reading!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


During our buddy time today, we made cards with our buddies for Pastor Bertram's wife who is sick with "a very big tummy ache." (In pre-school talk).  We are praying for Mrs. Bertram.  I KNOW she will love the cards.

Amanda Gustafson